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Jul 5, 2008

Module 3 Reflection

Module 3 provided an opportunity to conceptualize course design and connect learning objectives to assessment.

From various course readings and particularly from evaluating the concept maps created by my peers, I have discovered that there are as many creative ways to visualize course design as there are individuals.

I thought that connecting the learning objectives to the assessment piece was valuable for two reasons: 1) getting a visual of “what” I will assess, and 2) deciding “how” I will assess. Concept mapping also helped me see that a variety of assessment tools should be included. I think it adds interest to the course and keeps students more engaged. Peer review or learning objects such as online surveys or drag and drop matching could be included.

Mind mapping can also free up your thoughts and allow you to move to the next level of course design. Even though concept mapping takes place at a formative level it can also be a tool used for summative evaluation. If students did not find a specific part of the course to be effective, I can go back to the concept map and change to improve the course for the next semester. I keep thinking of the term flawed design = flawed instruction.

Concept mapping is a powerful tool that can also solve the problem of information overload. A graphic depiction frees up your mind to process more information. I recently read an article about a study done by Andrew T. Stull and Richard E. Mayer. The study was titled Learning by Doing Versus Learning by Viewing: Three Experimental Comparisons of Learner-Generated Versus Author-Provided Graphic Organizers. The authors found that graphic organizers decrease the level of extraneous cognitive processing and allow for more generative processing.

I did struggle somewhat with the software programs used for creating concept maps. However, I think this is something that would get easier the more I used the mapping software.

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...


Thanks for the depth that you've applied to your reflections. If you could, would you email me that article on graphic organizers that you mentioned. I may want to make it available for other students in this class.

Datta Kaur