Link to Paula's e-Portfolio

Aug 1, 2008

Module 7 Reflection

Many late nights working at the computer...I am happy with the content of my final project but would like to improve on the design elements. The final project made me realize how important it is to match assessment tools to objectives. It was a very labor intensive, reseach-based project in which I learned much about assessment tools, plagiarism, and authentic assessments in a constructivist environment. I would like to continue to refine this project and use it as a template in the design of future courses.

As I mentioned in the conclusion of my final project:

These assessment tools bring two words to mind…meaningful and mindful.

According to Ellen Langer, “One of the keys to meaningful learning is mindful learning. A mindful approach, she points out, has three characteristics: the continuous creation of new categories, openness to new information, and an implicit awareness of more than one perspective” (Langer; 1997).

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Paula, it was wonderful reading your reflection on mindfulness - such an excellent summary of what we are trying to do here. Thanks for embracing this opportunity.

Datta Kaur